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A Study on Blockchain Technology Adoption and Intention of Logistics Firms in Korea  

Kim, Seong Ho (Dept. of Distribution, Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology)
Cryptocurrency, represented by Bitcoin, initially received little public attention, but recently raised global cryptocurrency investments with recognition of future value. The academic interest in cryptocurrency lies elsewhere. This is because the future value of cryptocurrency is likely to be highly applicable to the technology underlying cryptocurrency. The technology is the blockchain. The purpose of this study is to find out what factors influence logistics companies to adopt blockchain technology. Based on the TOE frame, this study presented expected profit, organizational readiness, technology compatibility, and competitive pressure as factors of adoption of blockchain technology. And the effects of these factors on the adoption intention of logistics companies were analyzed empirically. A survey was conducted on Korean logistics companies. Analysis of the collected data showed that expected profit, organizational readiness, technology compatibility, and competitive pressures influence the intention to adopt blockchain technology. Among them, however, expected profit and organizational readiness were found to have the greatest influence on adoption intention.
Blockchain; Logistics Firm; Adoption; Intention; TOE;
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