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IPC-based Dynamic SM management on GPGPU for Executing AES Algorithm  

Son, Dong Oh (SK Hynix Memory System R&D)
Choi, Hong Jun (The Attached Institute of ETRI)
Kim, Cheol Hong (School of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Chonnam National University)
Modern GPU can execute general purpose computation on the graphic processing unit, and provide high performance by exploiting many core on GPU. To run AES algorithm efficiently, parallel computational resources are required. However, computational resource of CPU architecture are not enough to cryptographic algorithm such as AES whereas GPU architecture has mass parallel computation resources. Therefore, this paper reduce the time to execute AES by employing parallel computational resource on GPGPU. Unfortunately, AES cannot utilize computational resource on GPGPU since it isn't suitable to GPGPU architecture. In this paper, IPC based dynamic SM management technique are proposed to efficiently execute AES on GPGPU. IPC based dynamic SM management can increase and decrease the number of active SMs by using IPC in run-time. According to simulation results, proposed technique improve the performance by increasing resource utilization compared to baseline GPGPU architecture. The results show that AES improve the performance by 41.2% on average.
AES(Advanced Encryption Standard); GPU(Graphics processing unit); SM(Streaming Multiprocessors); GPGPU(General-Purpose computation on the GPU);
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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