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A Study on the Influence of Perceived Over Qualification on Boundary Spanning Behavior and Job Performance  

Lin, Xue-Jiao (GanNan Normal University)
Chung, Soo-Jin (Dept. of Business Administration, Wonkwang University)
In this paper, we propose to analyze the impact of perceived over qualification on boundary spanning behavior and job performance. A total of 373 questionnaires were collected from corporate researchers developing VR technology in China to achieve the purpose of this study. The data collected through the survey were analyzed with frequency analysis, reliability analysis, positive factor analysis, structural equation model, etc. using statistical programs SPSS V.22 and AMOS V. 22. The empirical analysis of this study confirms the following findings. First, perceived over qualification is a positive influence on job performance. Second, perceived over qualification to have a positive influence on boundary spanning behavior. Third, boundary spanning behavior is to have a positive effect on job performance. Through the concluding and discussion sections, in-depth discussions on the theoretical implications, practical implications and limitations of the research and its future direction were presented.
VR Technology Research Institute; Perceived Over Qualification; Boundary Spanning Behavior; Work Performance; Contextual Performance;
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