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Case Study on Global Software Education in Schools  

Kil, Hyun-Young (Dept. of Software, Korea Aerospace University)
With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, software(SW) education has become a necessity, not a choice of those who live in the digital age. Recently, many countries around the world have been actively promoting software education based on Computational Thinking(CT) for K-12 students, so software education in schools has bigger meaning as basic literacy education of future digital generation rather than coding skills. However, the integration of software education as a formal curriculum in schools is still ongoing in even other countries. Korea is also pursuing software education, but it is in the beginning stage. Therefore, we need to study the cases of other countries that have already started software education at the national level. In this paper, we first investigate the software education cases of three countries, e.g., UK, France and China with a respect of background & educational objective, development stage, and curriculum and we suggest education policies that software education can settle in Korea schools to foster a creative talented people.
Software(SW) education; Computational Thinking; SW education in England; SW education in France; SW education in China;
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