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Ego-resilience, Disaster-Experience and Core competencies of Disaster response between Paramedic Students' and Nursing Students'  

Jung, Ji-Yeon (Dept. of Emergency Medical Service at Howon University)
Yun, Hyeong-Wan (Department of Emergency Medical Technology, VISION College of Jeonju)
This study was attempted to provide fundamental data in a disaster response education program by comparing the differences between students of the paramedic and nursing in ego-resilience, disaster-experience and core competencies of disaster response. The data is collected from March 2 to April 2, 2019, on a total of 358 students (196 paramedic students and 162 nursing students) based in Jeolla Province. The structured questionnaire were used as research tools and the collected data were analyzed by using the SPSS program as frequency, percentage, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The average score of total ego-resilience among the subjects was 86.97 out of 125 points. The number of paramedic students who experienced or witnessed the disaster situation in person was 11.2%, and the number of nursing students was 11.7%. The core competence of disaster response was 3.21% in paramedic students and 3.16% in nursing students. The ego-resilience of the paramedic and nursing students according to their general characteristics is statistically significant differences (t=2.797, p<.005) and the paramedic students has an average score of 3.52 points, which is higher than the nursing students (3.42 points). General characteristics and experience in disasters are statistically significant differences (t=2.797, p<.005), paramedic students had more disaster experiences (3.11 points) than nursing students (2.67 points). It indicated the static correlation relationship between ego-resilience, disaster experience and core competences of disaster response (p<.000). Through this study, the paramedic students were found to be more ego-resilience, more disaster experience and more critical capacity for disaster treatment than nursing students.
Ego-resilience; Disaster-Experience; Core competencies of Disaster response;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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