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Research on the Influence of Interaction Factors of mobile Phone Dance Live Broadcast on User's Intention of Use -Centered on Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Accessibility  

Wu, Nuowa (School of Anshan Normal University)
In this paper, we propose to characteristics of mobile phone dance live broadcast platform and the second-generation technology acceptance model TAM2, this paper established the user acceptance model of mobile phone dance live broadcast platform, aiming to study the influencing factors of users' acceptance on mobile phone dance live broadcast platform. Based on the empirical analysis of user survey, the model is validated, and the relationship between variables in the model is clarified. It is also confirmed that human-computer interaction, scene interaction, relationship interaction and other factors will affect the user's acceptance on mobile phone dance live broadcast platform. At the same time, based on the relationship among variables obtained in the research, this paper tries to analyze how the variables affect each other based on the actual practice of mobile phone dance live broadcast platform. In addition, the video design strategy and marketing strategy for further development of mobile phone dance live broadcast platform are given to help the platform and dance creators to carry out better promotion on the mobile side. In the end, this paper summarizes the shortcomings of this study and points out further research directions in the future, providing a reference for researchers in the field of mobile phone dance live broadcast platform acceptance.
Mobile phone dance live broadcast, scene interaction; human-computer interaction, relationship interaction, perceived accessibility, perceived usefulness; intention of use;
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