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Bit-map-based Spatial Data Transmission Scheme  

OH, Gi Oug (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Gachon University)
This paper proposed bitmap based spatial data transmission scheme in need of rapid transmission through network in mobile environment that use and creation of data are frequently happen. Former researches that used clustering algorithms, focused on providing service using spatial data can cause delay since it doesn't consider the transmission speed. This paper guaranteed rapid service for user by convert spatial data to bit, leads to more transmission of bit of MTU, the maximum transmission unit. In the experiment, we compared arithmetically default data composed of 16 byte and spatial data converted to bitmap and for simulation, we created virtual data and compared its network transmission speed and conversion time. Virtual data created as standard normal distribution and skewed distribution to compare difference of reading time. The experiment showed that converted bitmap and network transmission are 2.5 and 8 times faster for each.
Location-Based Service; Spatial Data; Grid; Bit-Map; R-Tree;
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