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Development of A System for Registration of Korean Terminology on The Electropedia  

Moon, Bonghee (Dept. of Computer Science, Sookmyung Women's University)
In this paper, I introduce the development of a system to register Korean standard technical terms which are corresponded with English electronical terminologies on the Electropedia of the International Electronical Committee(IEC). In 2016, this project was started with the permission of registration at the Technical Committee 1 of the $80^{th}$ IEC General Meeting in Frankfurt, Germany. The work was consisted of 3 parts, the 1st step was gathering Korean vocabularies and building a databse for the translation of English terms of International Electronical Vocabulary(IEV) into Korean terms, the 2nd step was to find correct or proper Korean term which is in accord with each English term of IEV on the Electropedia. In this step, members of Korean TC 1 worked for search proper Korean terms using developed computer programs and databases which were made of Korean electronical dictionaries. After selection of proper terms, they did the cross-checking work for Korean terms each other. The last step was to register all of these Korean terms on the Electropedia. As a result, 20,766 Korean electronical terms were registered on the Electropedia in 2017. In the future, it is needed that the definition of English technical terms are translated into Korean.
standard term; Electropedia; IEC; IEV; electronical terminology;
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  • Reference
1 Woorimalsam,
2 International Electrotechnical Commission,
4 Electropedia,
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7 H. M. Hwang, J. H. Kim and B. H. Moon, "Advanced Procedure and Computing System for Standardization of IEC Terminologies" The Transaction of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 388-396, Mar. 2016.   DOI
8 H. M. Hwang, J. H. Kim, B. H. Moon and S. K. Shon, "A Study on the Structure of Next Generation of Electropedia in IEC TC1," Proceedings of KSA Spring Conference 2017, pp. 49, Apr. 2017.
9 Electronical Term Dictionary, J.H Kim et al., KIEE, Moonwoondang, 2004.
10 Smartgrid Terms Dictionary, J.H Kin et al.,, KIEE, Moonwoondang, 2011.
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12 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary(IEV),
13 H. M. Hwang, J. H. Kim, B. H. Moon and S. K. Shon, "IEV Korean Definitions to be registered in IEC Electropedia," Proceedings of KIEE Summer Conference 2019, pp. 539-540, July 2019.
14 H. M. Hwang, J. H. Kim, B. H. Moon and S. K. Shon, “IEV Korean Definitions to be registered in IEC Electropedia,” The Transaction of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, Vol. 68, No. 8, pp. 515-522, Aug. 2019.
15 International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC),