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Mediating Effects of Anger Level on the Relationship between Smartphone Addiction and School Adjustment of Middle School Students  

Yu, Pyeong-su (Dept. of Education, Jeonju University)
Hwang, Hey-yeon (The Education Innovation Division, Jeonju University)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the mediating effects of anger level on the effects of middle school students' school adjustment on smartphone addiction. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, the following research problems were set up. First, what is the relationship between Chinese smartphone addiction, anger level, and school adjustment of Chinese middle school students? Second, what is the effect of smartphone addiction on middle school students' anger level and school adjustment? Third, what is the mediating effect of the level of anger in the process of affecting the school adjustment to smartphone addiction by Chinese middle school students? The subjects of this study were five city schools and seven municipal schools in J-do, among which 450 students were enrolled from April 23 to May 18, 2018. A total of 439 copies were used for the analysis, except for 11 unexplained questionnaires or unfairly responded to the collected questionnaires. The conclusions based on the results of this study are as follows. First, there are negative correlations between the sub-factors of smartphone addiction and the sub-factors of school adjustment. Among them, tolerance is only positively correlated with the peer relationship. The sub-factors of smartphone addiction have negatively correlated with anger expression, anger control, and anger suppression. Second, the effect of sub-factors of smartphone addiction on the level of anger was 3.6%, and the effect on school adjustment was 4.2%. Third, The anger level of the middle school students affected the school adjustment by the smartphone addiction has a partial mediating effect of 0.8%.
smartphone addiction; anger level; school adjustment; mediating effects; middle school students;
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