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A Longitudinal Study on Adolescent's Multicultural Acceptability and School Adjustment using Autoregressive cross-lagged model  

Kim, Hyun-Joo (Korean Cultural Welfare Institute)
Park, Hwie-Seo (Dept. of Administration & Social Welfare, Chosun University)
This study aims to analyze the mutual influences between adolescents' multicultural acceptability and school adjustment. Research problems for research are as follows. First, is multicultural acceptability and school adjustment stable over time? Second, what is the longitudinal impact of school adjustment on multicultural acceptability over time? Third, what is the longitudinal impact of multicultural acceptability on school adjustment over time? The results of analyzing the research problems by applying the autoregressive cross-lagged model are as follows. First, the autoregressive model of school adjustment has a significant effect on the future time point and is stable over time. Second, the autoregressive model of multicultural acceptability have a significant effect on the future time point and is stable over time. Third, cross-lagged effect from school adjustment to multicultural acceptability has a statistically significant effect on the multicultural acceptability at a later time, and is stable over time. Fourth, cross-lagged effect from multicultural acceptability to school adjustment was not statistically significant at the time of multicultural acceptability, and there was no change with time. This study is meaningful to provide the theoretical and practical implications by verifying the influence of the three - year term data over time.
Adolescents; Multicultural Acceptability; School Adjustment; Longitudinal Study Autoregressive cross-lagged model;
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  • Reference
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