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Exploring Major Keyword & Relationship in the Studies of Hotel Employees Using Semantic Network Analysis Methods  

Kim, Jeong-O (Dept. of English Education, Kwangju Women's University)
Kwon, Choong-Hoon (Dept. of Secondary Special Education, Kwangju Women's University)
The purpose of this study is to extract the key words from the list of research subjects related to 'hotel workers' published in recent 10 years(2009~2018) by using the language network analysis method and to confirm the relation between the key words. In this paper, we propose a semantic network analysis that can overcome limitations of longitudinal study, analyze the recent research trends, and widely use as a research model. The results of this study are as follows ; First, in analyzing major key words in the title of 'Hotel Employer' in recent 10 years, the major keyword of job satisfaction(40), special grade(26), organizational commitment(20), emotional labor(19), service(12), restaurant(10), and turnover intention(9). Second, we analyzed the relation of language network among major key words extracted from the study title of 'hotel workers'. Such a research process is expected to grasp the trends of research related to 'hotel workers' and give implications for the future direction of related research.
hotel workers; semantic network analysis; key word; relationship; centrality;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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