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Effects of Software Education activities for Multicultural students on Resilience, Communication and Interpersonal Relationship  

Kim, Jeong-Rang (Dept. of Computer Education, Gwangju National University of Education)
In this paper, the Software Education program for elementary school students in Multicultural families developed so that Multicultural students can adapt to national, school, peer, and teacher. The effects of Resilience, Communication skills and Interpersonal Relationshiop were investigated. The developed Software education program was designed in such a way that the target students became more intimate with each other and adapted to Korean culture, peers, and teachers through the analysis of the research subjects. Resilience test showed statistically significant difference in peer relationship and support, family support and interaction, teacher's interest and support, self - identity, and cultural acceptance. Communication ability test showed statistically significant differences in interpretation ability, self presentation ability, goal setting ability, and message conversion ability. The interpersonal Relationship test showed statistically significant differences in people's orientation toward people, facing people, and away from people. The results of this study indicate that the software education program for elementary school students in multicultural families has effects on adaptive flexibility, communication ability, and interpersonal ability. In the future, There is a need for continuous research with development and effectiveness of various software education programs for Multicultural students.
Software Education; Multicultural students; Resilience; Communication; Interpersonal Relationship;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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