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A Longitudinal Study on the Parenting Effectiveness of Multicultural Families and Self-esteem and Achievement Motivation of Multicultural Adolescents: Verification of Autoregressive Cross-lagged Model  

Lee, Hyoung-Ha (Dept. of Social Welfare, Kwangju Women's University)
The purpose of this study is to longitudinally analyze the relationship between parenting effectiveness of parents of multicultural families and self-esteem and achievement motivation of multicultural adolescents. The study used the data of Multi-cultural Adolescent Panel Survey (MAPS). Of the six years of data from the 1st survey (elementary grade 4 students) in 2011 to the 6th survey ($3^{rd}$ year middle school students) in 2016, this study employed and analyzed the data from year 2012 ($2^{nd}$ survey, fifth graders), year 2014 ($4^{th}$ survey, 1st year middle school students), and year 2016 ($6^{th}$ survey, $3^{rd}$ year middle school students). The results of applying the Autoregressive Cross-lagged Model to examine the longitudinal relationship between parenting effectiveness of multicultural families and self-esteem and achievement motivation of multicultural adolescents are as follows. First, parenting effectiveness of parents of multicultural families, and self-esteem of multicultural adolescents, and autoregressive effects of achievement motivation were found to have a positive (+) effect with the passage of time. Second, the parenting effectiveness of parents of multicultural families at the previous time was found to have a significant positive (+) effect on the cross-lagged effect on self-esteem and achievement motivation of multicultural adolescents at a later time. Third, the self-esteem of multicultural adolescents at the previous time at the previous time was found to have a significant effect in the positive (+) direction on the cross-lagged effect affecting achievement motivation of multicultural adolescents at a later time. Fourth, it was found that the cross-lagged effect of the parenting effectiveness of parents of multicultural families on achievement motivation of multicultural adolescents was greater than the cross-lagged effect of self-esteem on achievement motivation of multicultural adolescents. This study is meaningful in that the longitudinal data are used to verify the causal orientation between three variables over time to examine the relationship between parenting effectiveness of parents of multicultural families and self-esteem and achievement motivation of multicultural adolescents.
Aassets; Parenting Effectiveness; Self-Esteem; Aachievement Motivation; Autoregressive Cross-lagged Model; Multi-cultural Adolescent Panel Survey (MAPS);
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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