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A Descriptive Study on the Job Information Service Market  

Yoon, Jongwook (Dept. of Business Administration, Hyupsung University)
In this study, the author seeks to identify the status of the online job information service market and present strategic guidelines to maintain the market ecosystem based on it. The research method was carried out as a descriptive study to identify the online job information service market by utilizing various secondary data. Specifically, the market analysis identified the high potential growth rate of the job information service market and key issues. Industry trend analysis analyzed key service features, job seeker types and features, service use trends, promotion and marketing methods. Finally, through SWOT analysis of the market, strategic guidelines were proposed to lead the market ecosystem into a virtuous circle. In the first place, these findings will help us gain a comprehensive view of the market by identifying the status of the job information service market with a focus on the main issues. It may also provide companies in the industry with the necessary clues to their continued survival within the industry. Furthermore, the government and public organizations are expected to contribute to boosting the job information service market with the aim of creating and improving jobs.
job information service market; employment portal; descriptive research;
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