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Empirical Validation of Personal Information Violation Risk for Cryptocurrency with Use Intention  

Kim, Jeong-Wook (Div. of Business Administration, Sejong University)
Choi, Chul-Yong (Information Strategy Center, Sejong University)
The purpose of this study is how personal information violation risks affect the intention to use domestic cryptocurrency services. VAM(Value based Adoption Model) model is validated as a theoretical background, selecting perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and perceived security as a benefit factors, and considers perceived cost, technical complexity, and risk of personal information violation risks as sacrifice factors. The method of this study used questionnaire survey to collect 150 data on user's perception on cryptocurrency services, and also performed a structural equation modeling method using by AMOS 23. The result of this paper shows that all hypotheses are accepted statistically significant except 2 hypothesis. This research is concluded that perceived value is affected on statistically positive impact on perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and perceived security, and negative impact on risk of personal information violation risk, not statistically perceived fee and technical complexity.
Cryptocurrency Services; VAM; Perceived Security; Personal Information Violation Risks;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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