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Out-Of-Domain Detection Using Hierarchical Dirichlet Process  

Jeong, Young-Seob (Dept. of Big Data Engineering, Soonchunhyang University)
With improvement of speech recognition and natural language processing, dialog systems are recently adapted to various service domains. It became possible to get desirable services by conversation through the dialog system, but it is still necessary to improve separate modules, such as domain detection, intention detection, named entity recognition, and out-of-domain detection, in order to achieve stable service offer. When it misclassifies an in-domain sentence of conversation as out-of-domain, it will result in poor customer satisfaction and finally lost business. As there have been relatively small number of studies related to the out-of-domain detection, in this paper, we introduce a new method using a hierarchical Dirichlet process and demonstrate the effectiveness of it by experimental results on Korean dataset.
Out-of-domain detection; Dialog system; Topic modeling; Hierarchical Dirichlet process;
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