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Softwarization of Cloud-based Real-Time Broadcast Channel System  

Kwon, Myung-Kyu (Media operation center, SK Broadband)
In this paper, we propose the softwareization of broadcasting system. Recently, the topic of industry is the fourth industrial revolution. The fourth industrial revolution is evolving from physical to virtualization. The Industrial Revolution is based on IT technology. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, and the Internet of Things, which are famous for Alpha Go, are based on software. Among IT, software is the main driver of industrial terrain change. The systemization of software on the basis of cloud environment is proceeding rapidly. System development through softwarization can reduce time to market lead time, hardware cost reduction and manual operation compared to existing hardware system. By developing and implementing broadcasting system such as IPTV based on cloud, lead time for opening service compared to existing hardware system can be shortened by more than 90% and investment cost can be saved by about 40%. In addition, the area of the system can be reduced by 50%. In addition, efficiency can be improved between infrastructures, shortening of trouble handling and ease of maintenance. Finally, we can improve customer experience through rapid service opening.
Software; Cloud; Virtualization; Broadcasting system; Cost reduction; Infrastructure;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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