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Study on video information regulation and VPIC compliance issues in GDPR  

Ryu, Ki-Il (Dept. of Computer Science, Gachon University)
Cho, Young-Im (Dept. of Computer Science, Gachon University)
All the personal information controllers or processors collecting, processing and storing personal information through the entry into force of the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) are required to provide the basic principle of privacy by design at all stages of developing products or services throughout the organization, And to ensure that the basic rights of the subject of personal information are protected and that internal control techniques are provided to prevent any abuse or leakage. We will review the regulations and countermeasures required by the GDPR for video information with serious privacy problems, and propose a solution.
EU; GDPR; DPO; Video Information; Forensics; Internal Control; PbD; VPIC; CCTV; VPM;
Citations & Related Records
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  • Reference
1 Ki-Il Ryu, "CCTV Observer? Protector?", Personal Video Information Protection Forum, 3rd Regular Seminar, 2014
2 Young-im Cho, "Personal Information Protection and Intelligent Agent Technology", Journal of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Vol.6, No.1, pp.29-35, Dec. 2008
3 Ki-Il Ryu, "Expert Interview of Personal Information Protection Act", Security World a Monthly Magazine Sep. 2013
4 Korea National Information Society Agency, "Integrated Control Center Construction Guideline (Procedures for Establishment of Integrated Control Center, Standard Model for Integrated Control Center)", Korea National Information Society Agency, 2011
5 The EU Parliament and of the Council, "General Data Protection Regulation", Official Journal of the European Union, 4.5.2016, 27 April, 2016
6 Il-hwan Kim, "GDPR Supervision Organization", Institute for Information Human Rights, GDPR Lecture, 2016
7 Sang-Min Kim, "Amendment of Personal Information Protection Act", Korea 19th National Assemblyman, 2013
8 Weon-Kook Kim, "Internal Control Technology Trends for Personal Video information Protection", 4Dream Co., Ltd., VIDEO PRIVACY SOLUTION DAY, 2014
9 Ki-Il Ryu, "VPM Technology Trend and Standardization Direction," 4Dream Co., Ltd., VIDEO PRIVACY SOLUTION DAY, 2014
10, 2017