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A Hedonic Model Effects for Consumer-oriented Retargeting Advertising Based on Internet of Things  

Kim, Bo-Ram (Dept. of Public Relations & Advertising, Sookmyung University)
Yoon, Yong-Ik (Dept. of IT Engineering, Sookmyung University)
Chung, Man-Soo (Dept. of Public Relations & Advertising, Sookmyung University)
In this study, we developed a Hedonic Model for Retargeting Advertising Based on Consumer-centerd IoT space for offering useful, interest, and interactive information to consumer. And most existing relative researches about Internet of Things but, this paper focusing on the Type of information, humor, and interactive and analyze the attitude and clicks intention to Retargeting Advertising Based on Consumer-centerd Internet of Things. According to the results, humor Advertising is positively related to attitude and click intention toward Internet of Things Advertising. But information Ad and interactive Ad affect positive to click intention. This is mean that click intention is more immediate reaction of consumers in the IoT space. Therefore Future research will be designed in a more interactive elements that can lead to positive reaction of consumers on the Internet of Things be more effective if you advertise advertising.
lnternet of Things; Big Data; Hedonic Model; Retargeting Advertising; IoT Space;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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