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5W1H based resource management model for the expansion of oneM2M standard Data Filter rules  

Min, Seong-Hyeon (Smart Convergence R&D Center, SUM Engineering Inc.)
Kwak, Ho-Young (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Jeju National University)
Lee, Sang-Joon (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Jeju National University)
In this paper, we study the domain-independent sensor data structuring method and the derivations about ' Filter Criteria' expansion factors of heterogeneous domain systems. For this purpose, we propose a 5W1H based information search and retrieval method without knowledges about the target domains. And we also suggest a resource management model that can support expanding search of information. By the suggested method, the oneM2M standard able to implement the use-cases like 'data exchanging between the heterogeneous domains'.
IoT Service Platform; oneM2M; Filter Criteria; Resource Discovery;
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