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Effect of Perceived Value on CRM Quality and Purchase Intention in the Corporate Social Media Context  

Kim, Yoo Jung (Dept. of Business Administration, Hoseo University)
Corporate social media has been recently used in customer relationship management in many ways to improve product sales and company images. Not much research exists on corporate social media, Therefore, in this paper, we propose a research model to identify how corporate social media enhances corporate's CRM quality, resulting in forming customer's purchase intention. In detail, this paper is to examine how customer's perceived value of corporate social media influences CRM quality(CRM trust and CRM commitment), and then how CRM quality affects purchase intention. To this end, a total of 300 questionnaires were used from online panel respondents to test research hypothesis. The findings showed that service performance value and monetary value were major determinants of CRM trust, however, there was no association between brand integration value and CRM trust. In addition, the effects of service performance value and brand integration value on CRM commitment were found whereas monetary value had no effect on CRM commitment. The results also showed that CRM trust and CRM commitment played a critical role in forming of purchase intention. Theoretical and practical Implications are discussed.
Corporate Social Media; CRM; Perceived Value; CRM Quality; Purchase Intention;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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