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Visualization of movie recommendation system using the sentimental vocabulary distribution map  

Ha, Hyoji (Life Media Interdisciplinary Program, Ajou University)
Han, Hyunwoo (Life Media Interdisciplinary Program, Ajou University)
Mun, Seongmin (Life Media Interdisciplinary Program, Ajou University)
Bae, Sungyun (Life Media Interdisciplinary Program, Ajou University)
Lee, Jihye (Life Media Interdisciplinary Program, Ajou University)
Lee, Kyungwon (Department of Digital Media, Ajou University)
This paper suggests a method to refine a massive collective intelligence data, and visualize with multilevel sentiment network, in order to understand information in an intuitive and semantic way. For this study, we first calculated a frequency of sentiment words from each movie review. Second, we designed a Heatmap visualization to effectively discover the main emotions on each online movie review. Third, we formed a Sentiment-Movie Network combining the MDS Map and Social Network in order to fix the movie network topology, while creating a network graph to enable the clustering of similar nodes. Finally, we evaluated our progress to verify if it is actually helpful to improve user cognition for multilevel analysis experience compared to the existing network system, thus concluded that our method provides improved user experience in terms of cognition, being appropriate as an alternative method for semantic understanding.
Data Visualization; Semantic networks; Sentiment word analysis; Review data mining; Movie recommendation system; Sentiment movie network;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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