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The Effects of Empowering Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Focusing on Mediation Effects of Self-efficacy  

Park, Yeun-hee (Dept. of Social Welfare, Chosun College of Science & Technology)
This study verified the structural relations among empowering leadership, self-efficacy and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in social welfare organizations. To this end, the study chose self-efficacy as an intervening variable and OCB as a dependent variable by considering the characteristics of social welfare organizations and their works. The study found that empowering leadership has a significantly positive impact on self-efficacy while both self-efficacy and empowering leadership have a significantly positive impact on OCB. Self-efficacy has meditating effects on the relationship between empowering leadership and OCB. Based on these results, the study suggests policy implications for the improvement of social workers' self- efficacy and OCB through empowering leadership in social welfare centers.
Social Worker's; Empowering leadership; Self-efficacy; Organizational citizenship behavior; Mediating Effects;
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