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Linked Legal Data Construction and Connection of LOD Cloud  

Jo, Dae Woong (School of Software, Soongsil University)
Kim, Myung Ho (School of Software, Soongsil University)
Linked Data is a web standard data definition method devised to connect, expand resources with a standardized type. Linked Data built in various areas expands existing knowledge through an open data cloud like LOD(Linked Open Data). A project to link and service existing knowledge through LOD is under way worldwide. However, LOD project in domestic is being participated in a specific field to the level of research. In this paper, we suggests a method to build the area of technical knowledge like legislations in type of Linked Data, and distribute such Linked Data built to LOD. The construction method suggested by this paper divides knowledge of legislations in structural, semantic, and integrated perspective, and builds each of them by converting to Linked Data according to the perspective. Also, such built Linked Legal Data prepares to link knowledge in a standardized type by distributing them onto LOD. Built Linked Legal Data are equipped with schema for link service in various types, and give help increase understand the access type to existing legal information.
Legislation; Linked Data; LOD; Linked Legal Data; Ontology; Semantic Web;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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