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Relations between Information Items of Job Posting and Vacancy Duration in Mid-level Labour Market - by GLM, Decision Tree  

Kim, Hyoungrae (Center of Employment Enhancement, KEIS)
Jeon, Dohong (Dept. of Computer Science, Catholic Kwandong Univ.)
In this paper, we study the relationship between vacancy duration and information items of a job posting by using generalized linear models and a decision tree analysis w.r.t. the three factors such as company characteristics, employment conditions, and constraints. The results indicate that the employment conditions rather than company characteristics are more influential to the vacancy duration. These effects are presumed to be based on the complex relations between the decisions of the employers and the job seekers. And in this paper we suggest the need to provide personalized and profiled labor market information tailored for a quick decision to job seekers and employers. Policy implication is that since employer's decision affects the vacation duration, employers may had better to provide a comprehensive labour market information including supply and demand of the required skills in order to reduce the time for judgment on the cost-effectiveness.
Vacancy duration; recruitment; Job posting; Significant factors;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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