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User Authentication Technology using Multiple SSO in the Cloud Computing Environment  

Cho, Min-Hee (Dept. of Computer Science, Daejeon University)
Jang, Eun-Gyeom (Dept. of Internet Communication, Jangan University)
Choi, Yong-Rak (Dept. of Computer Science, Daejeon University)
The interface between servers and clients and system management in the cloud computing environment is different from the existing computing environment. The technology for information protection. Management and user authentication has become an important issue. For providing a more convenient service to users, SSO technology is applied to this cloud computing service. In the SSO service environment, system access using a single key facilitates access to several servers at the same time. This SSO authentication service technology is vulnerable to security of several systems, once the key is exposed. In this paper, we propose a technology to solve problems, which might be caused by single key authentication in SSO-based cloud computing access. This is a distributed agent authentication technology using a multiple SSO agent to reinforce user authentication using a single key in the SSO service environment. For user authentication reinforcement, phased access is applied and trackable log information is used when there is a security problem in system to provide a safe cloud computing service.
Cloud computing; SSO; User authentication; Security policy;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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