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Analysis of University Academic Achievements using the Formal Concept Analysis - Focusing on Computer Engineering Department -  

Cho, Dong-Heon (College of General Studies, Sunmoon University)
Choi, Kyu-Ha (Dept. of Nursing Science. Chunnam Techno University)
Hwang, Suk-Hyung (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Sunmoon University)
This study had a purpose to find the correlation between academic achievement and entrance examination score using FCA and framing a concept of university academic achievement and entrance examination score and then, building concept lattice. The subject for this analysis was admission materials of freshmen in computer engineering department at A university located in Chungcheong area in 2010. Also 56 students in total were subjects for the score analysis of their first semester from 2010 to 2014. The major findings of this study were as follows. We organized and extracted many-valued context, concept lattice, associated rules using FCA. And we analyzed the correlation between University academic achievement and entrance examination score using FCA. The conclusions were as follows. We could get meaningful analyzed results using FCA. University academic achievement had lower relativeness with entrance examination score and female students had higher university academic achievement than male students. The improvement points are summarized below. It is necessary to improve the ratio and application method of the university admission factors and to increase the regular admission for a university. And programs for completing College-preparatory programming for male students in low university academic achievement are necessary.
Formal Concept Analysis; entrance examination score; University academic achievement;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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