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Analysis of the Mediating Effects of the Management of Workers for Elderly Welfare Services on Their Turnover Intention  

Kim, Kyung-Sook (Dept. of Social Welfare, Chosun College of Science & Technology)
This study examined how the management of workers for elderly welfare services affects their turnover intention and verified the analysis of mediating effects of organizational commitment and job satisfaction. To this end, the study conducted a survey of 429 workers at elderly care facilities in Gwang-ju and South Jeolla Province. The study shows following results. First, compensation scheme and organizational culture have a significantly positive influence on their organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Second, empowerment, organizational commitment and job satisfaction have a significant positive effect on their turnover intention. To conclude, its findings will help to present reference data for the improvement of job satisfaction of workers for elderly welfare services.
Turnover intention; Organizational commitment; Job satisfaction;
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