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Minimum Network Connection Cost Algorithm for Partially Survivable Networks Problem of Cellular Telecommunication Systems  

Lee, Sang-Un (Dept. of Multimedia Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju National University)
This paper suggests heuristic algorithm with O(mn) polynomial time complexity using Excel for partially survivable networks optimization problem of cellular telecommunication systems with m cells and n hubs. This problem only can be get the solution using linear programming or LINGO software package. The proposed algorithm connects the cell to hubs in ring network with minimum cost as the connection diversity of each cell. If the traffic of ring network (T) is T>2K for ring capacity (K), we adjust the maximum cost hub to MTSO that has a ascending order of (D/DC)/${\Delta}^+$ cell with each cell traffic demand (D) and ${\Delta}^+$=(MTSO cost-maximum cost hub) than we get the $T{\leq}2K$. Finally, we adjust MTSO to the removed maximum cost hub for the cell with 2K-$T{\geq}$(D/DC) and $_{max}{\Delta}^-$. While we using like this simple method, the proposed algorithm can be get the same optimal solution for experimental data as linear programing and LINGO software package.
Hub; MTSO; Connection diversity; Traffic demand; Ring network capacity;
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