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CORE-Dedup: IO Extent Chunking based Deduplication using Content-Preserving Access Locality  

Kim, Myung-Sik (Dept. of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Hanyang University)
Won, You-Jip (Dept. of Computer Science, Hanyang University)
Recent wide spread of embedded devices and technology growth of broadband communication has led to rapid increase in the volume of created and managed data. As a result, data centers have to increase the storage capacity cost-effectively to store the created data. Data deduplication is one way to save the storage space by removing redundant data. This work propose IO extent based deduplication schemes called CORE-Dedup that exploits content-preserving access locality. We acquire IO traces from block device layer in virtual machine host, and compare the deduplication performance of chunking method between the fixed size and IO extent based. At multiple workload of 10 user's compile in virtual machine environment, the result shows that 4 KB fixed size chunking and IO extent based chunking use chunk index 14500 and 1700, respectively. The deduplication rate account for 60.4% and 57.6% on fixed size and IO extent chunking, respectively.
Data deduplication; CORE-Dedup; IO Extent Chunking; Content Preserving Access Locality;
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