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Validation of the Unplugged Robot Education System Capable of Computerless Coding Education  

Song, Jeong-Beom (Naepo Elementary School)
Lee, Tae-Wuk (Dept. of Computer Education, Korea National University of Education)
In traditional programing education, computers were used as the main tool. Consequently, it was problematic to provide education in an environment without computers or for learners without computer skills. To address this problem, this study developed and validated an unplugged robot education system capable of computerless programming education. The key feature of the proposed system is that programing can be done only by connecting programming blocks in symbols of a flow chart with built-in commands. Validation of the system was performed by a specialist group. Validity was very high with values of content validity ratio (CVR) over 0.7 in all evaluation criteria except "Ease of error debugging" and "Linkages to educational curriculum," whose CVR values were each 0.6. Future directions include improvement in the two areas that scored lower than the others did by, respectively, system improvement to support debugging in error conditions that may occur during the programming process, and development of user guide to support linkages to educational curriculum.
Robot-Education; Unpluged Robot-Education system;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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