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The Analysis on Users' Centrality in the Social Network and their Sentiment : Applying to Medical Web Forum on Alzheimer's Disease  

Lee, Min-Jung (Dept. of Business Administration, Sejong Cyber University)
Woo, Ji-Young (Graduate school of information security, Korea University)
In this study, we aim to analyze the relationship between the centrality in the social network and the sentiment of medial web forum users. In recent, many people use online resources to obtain health and wellness information especially social media resources. In the medial web forum, people give and receive informational supports and emotional supports and this interaction forms the social network. We analyze the social network, derive node characteristics in terms of centrality and compare the centrality index and the sentiment score derived from users' messages. We found that as more people express their emotion, they possess higher central position in the network. Further, people who express positive emotion in their messages have higher central position in the network than people who have negative emotion. This study will help to identify influentials of emotional supports to others and finally to control the depression of Alzheimer's disease patients and their related ones.
Sentiment analysis; Social network analysis; Alzheimer's disease; Medical web forum;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
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