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Problems and Solutions for Multi-Cultural Family Support Act  

Kim, Jae-Nam (Dept. of Social Welfare, Kwangju Women's University)
Multi-Cultural Family Support Act means that to lead a stable family life in Korea by improves the quality of life for members of multi-cultural families through the extensive support and ultimately it refers to a law designed to contribute to the integration between society and them. This Law was newly enacted as Law No. 8937 in March 21, 2008. And through the six times amendments it improve the part of the lack also now in February 18, 2015, some amendments are submitted by Jasmine Lee with 12 lawmakers. Now in 2015, the number of foreigners who living in Korea are beyond 150 million and it can see that has entered into a full-fledged multi-cultural society. And it can place a greater significance that had laid the foundation of the various support policies to lead a stable family life for members of multi-cultural families. However, the problem that much current law which associated with the Multi-cultural Family Support Act cannot accept the social changes has emerged. Thus, in this paper try to present a legislative plan that can respond appropriately to the real world through the analysis of it.
Multi-Cultural Family Support Act; Foreigner; Migrant Women; Multi-Cultural Family; Nationality Act;
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  • Reference
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2 The Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs, Press Releases - Distribution of foreigners against the total resident population in Korea, 2014. 7. 3.
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13 The Ministry of Justice, Legal Information - Legislative notice for Some Amendments of Immigration Control Act Enforcement Rules, 2015. 2. 13.
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15 Gwangju Metropolitan City Multicultural Family Support Act.
16 Gwangju Metropolitan City Foreign Residents Support Act.