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Clustering Algorithm for Extending Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks  

Kim, Sun-Chol (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Chungbuk National University)
Choi, Seung-Kwon (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Chungbuk National University)
Cho, Yong-Hwan (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Chungbuk National University)
Recently, wireless sensor network(WSN) have been used in various fields to implement ubiquitous computing environment. WSN uses small, low cost and low power sensors in order to collect information from the sensor field. This paper proposes a clustering algorithm for energy efficiency of sensor nodes. The proposed algorithm is based on conventional LEACH, the representative clustering protocol for WSN and it prolongs network and nodes life time using sleep technique and changable transmission mode. The nodes of the proposed algorithm first calculate their clustering participation value based on the distance to the neighbor nodes. The nodes located in high density area will have clustering participation value and it can turn to sleep mode. Besides, proposed algorithm can change transmission method from conventional single-hop transmission to multi-hop transmission according to the energy level of cluster head. Simulation results show that the proposed clustering algorithm outperforms conventional LEACH, especially non-uniformly deployed network.
WSN; Ubiquitous Computing; Clustering; Routing Scheme;
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  • Reference
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