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Eun-young Choi, Jun-Sang Lee, Imgeun Lee, "Simulating Solar System using MAYA Scripting". ICFICE, pp.149-152, 2014.
2 |
Kim Hyun-Woo, Song Teuk-Seob, "A study of effect representation method for 3D contents development using maya system", Korea Computer Congress 2008, Vol.35, pp. 176-180, 2008.
3 |
Eun-young Choi, Soojong Lee, Imgeun Lee, "Extracting Motion Information for Animation Character using Kinect Sensor" Proceedings of KSCI Conference, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 289-290, July, 2013.
4 |
Yongwhan Lee, Changhoon Kang, Jinseob Shin, "A Study on the video production reflecting the characteristic of 3D stereoscopic", Proceedings of KSCI Conference, Vol.21,No 2, pp. 303-306, July, 2013.
5 |
Adam Mechtley, Ryan Trowbridge, "Maya Python for games and film : a complete reference for the Maya Python and the Maya Python API", Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 20-88, 2012.
6 |
Han dong-il, "Maya Python technique", Vielbooks, pp. 224-355, 2013.
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David A. D. Gould, "Complete Maya Programming An Extensive Guide to MEL and C++ API", Morgan Kaufmann, 2003.
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David P. Stern, Kepler and His Laws, http://www.phy6.org/stargaze/Skeplaws.htm
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Dariush Derakhshani, "Introducing Autodesk Maya 2015", pp. 14-38, 2014.
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Jesse Walter, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoDaFUAjHXE
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Planet Fact Sheet, http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/
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MathWorks Documentation, http://kr.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlabengine-for-python.html
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Planet Textures Map, http://planetpixelemporium.com/planets.html