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A Design of Smart-based collaborative learning model for programming education of elementary school students  

This paper is to design smart based collaborative learning model for programming education of fifth graders of elementary school and applies it to a class and analyze its result. Designed learning model is composed of understanding of concept, realization, learning and sharing and it includes step by step learning materials and smart based collaborative learning activities. Scratch traffic light learning materials at leaning stage classify content to be checked in programming by colors and write to support programming internalization of learners. Provision of smart based collaborative learning activities that considered learning conditions of learners makes it possible for beginners to participate in and keep study actively. This study showed that there was statistically significant difference in learners' programming interest and those who achieved over 8 out of 10 points were 60.7% at three stage evaluations for achievement level that applied learning model which suggests that satisfactory achievement level is achieved.
Programming Education; Scratch; Smart Learning; Collaborative Learning;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 10  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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