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An Ontology-Based Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment for automotive functional safety  

Roh, Kyung-Hyun (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul)
Lee, Keum-Suk (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul)
The ISO 26262 standard requires a preliminary hazard analysis and risk assesment early in the development for automotive system. This is a first step for the development of an automotive system to determine the necessary safety measures to be implemented for a certain function. In this paper, we propose an ontology-based hazard analysis and risk assessment method for automotive functional safety. We use ontology to model the hazard and SWRL(Semantic Web Language) to describe risk analysis. The applicability of the proposed method is evaluated by the case study of an ESCL(electronic steering column lock) system. The result show that ontology deduction is useful for improving consistency and accuracy of hazard analysis and risk assessment.
ISO26262; Ontology; Automotive Functional Safety; Hazard Analysis; Risk Assessment;
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  • Reference
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