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The Effects of Infant Teacher's Job Characteristics on Job Satisfaction -Focusing on Moderating Effects of the Type of Institute-  

Kim, Kyung-Sook (Dept. of Social Welfare, Chosun College of Science & Technology)
This study aims to identify the effects of job factors related to children's teachers on job satisfaction and present suggestions through an analysis of the modulating effects according to the type of institute. In order to achieve this purpose, this study set up a cause and effect model on teacher's efficacy, emotional intelligence, friendship, and a reward system as factors of job satisfaction and analysed them based on interviews using a questionnaire. To look into the results of the analysis, it was discovered that a reward system had the greatest effect on job satisfaction for the subjects, followed by emotional intelligence, friendship, and teacher's efficacy. In an analysis of modulating effects according to the type of institute, the effect of emotional intelligence differed significantly depending on kindergartens and day care centers. Teacher's efficacy, friendship and a reward system were not significantly different. Based on the results above, this study provides basic data for the development of strategies for children's teachers to effectively achieve job satisfaction.
job factors; job satisfaction; types of institutes;
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  • Reference
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