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Structural Relation Model on Customer Satisfaction of Biggest Discount Retailers  

Choi, Rack-In (Dept. of Community Science, Sungkyul University)
In this paper, it should be established what influence to customer satisfaction by advertisement and promotion, store management and quality of products of large discount stores, and in order to present the structural relation model. In order to establish it empirically, this study proposed a structured alternative model by conducting a survey to customers live in metropolitan areas who use biggest discount store, through the SPSSWIN 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. This analysis shows a number of points, first, customers were aware of having meaningful impact on store management to products quality. Through broad and clean store represents confidence appears to have a products quality. Second, the store management were shown to have a meaningful impact on customer satisfaction. Cleanliness and atmosphere of store, convenience of parking facilities, and transportation convenience of their roles in customer satisfaction seem to believe. Third, advertising and promotion is shown to not affected meaningful impact on stores management, products quality and customer satisfaction.
Retail Distribution Company; Advertisement and Promotion; Store Management; Products Quality; Customer Satisfaction;
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