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A study on the efficient extraction method of SNS data related to crime risk factor  

Lee, Jong-Hoon (Spatial Information Industry Promotion Institute)
Song, Ki-Sung (Spatial Information Industry Promotion Institute)
Kang, Jin-A (Spatial Information Industry Promotion Institute)
Hwang, Jung-Rae (Spatial Information Industry Promotion Institute)
In this paper, we suggest a plan to take advantage of the SNS data to proactively identify the information on crime risk factor and to prevent crime. Recently, SNS(Social Network Service) data have been used to build a proactive prevention system in a variety of fields. However, when users are collecting SNS data with simple keyword, the result is contain a large amount of unrelated data. It may possibly accuracy decreases and lead to confusion in the data analysis. So we present a method that can be efficiently extracted by improving the search accuracy through text mining analysis of SNS data.
Crime risk factor; SNS data; Data retrieval; Text mining;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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