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The effects of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Commitment and Organizational Citizenship  

Lee, Hong-Ki (Department of Management, Jungwon University)
Myoung, Sung-Min (Department of Medical Information and Administration, Jungwon University)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence and effects of perceived organizational support on the organizational citizenship on the basis of perception of the importance of organizational support. In modern society, the perception of perceived organizational support and the manufacturing industry as well have been becoming more important, and, if, besides the manufacturing industry, the interest in the support to and the welfare of the employees could be taken in the service and distribution industries, too, the employees come to realize the organizational support, which causes them to be immersed in their duties and show more organizational citizenship for their organizations and colleagues. Accordingly, in order to enhance the employees' outcome, the organizations should support their employees and provide help more, letting the employees perceive the support of the organization more actively. Consequently, it can be said that the perceived organizational support is able to strengthen the employees' outcome and motivate the organizational citizenship as well.
Perceived organizational support; Job commitment; Organizational citizenship;
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