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The Design and An Implementation of effective algorithms Effect Based on XNA Game Development Environment  

Seo, Jeong-Man (Dept. of Game Contents, Korea National College of Welfare)
Choi, Chang-Soo (Cheongju correction institution)
In this paper, by using Visual C # XNA game development application relates to a technique. This paper proposes the design and an implement effective algorithms Effect Based on XNA Game Development Environment. Existing in the development of the game using Directx C++ game developers, game development, it is necessary to position a lot of the source code. Particularly effective effect was much difficulty in the processing section. However, to eliminate this difficulty was proposed in the paper. The possibility of developing the game in XNA-based group. For the superiority of the proposed paper and the comparative analysis of existing games were designed for the development of the game was. The future study will be the design of various effects and events which give more immersive game implementation.
Game Design; Shooting Game; XNA; Game Effect;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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13 Jeong-Man Seo, "Design and Implementation of Typing Game for the Disabled" Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, Vol 18, No 1, pp.55-62, Jan. 2013.