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A Survey on Time Synchronization Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks  

Bae, Shi-Kyu (Dept. of Computer Engineering, DongYang University)
Various Time Synchronization protocols considering for the characteristics of WSN(Wireless Sensor Network) have been developed, because a time relationship plays an important role in many WSN applications, as well. Synchronization accuracy as well as constraints of energy should be considered for WSN Time Synchronization protocols, especially. In this paper, I analyze Time Synchronization protocols for WSN after classifying these protocols with a new criteria (i.e. power consumption). So, this method will contribute to evaluating and comparing WSN Time Synchronization protocols in respect of power consumption.
Performance Analysis; Power Consumption; Time Synchronization; Wireless Sensor Network;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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