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Clustering Algorithm for Efficient Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks  

Na, Sung-Won (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Chungbuk National University)
Choi, Seung-Kwon (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Chungbuk National University)
Lee, Tae-Woo (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Chungbuk National University)
Cho, Yong-Hwan (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Chungbuk National University)
Recently, wireless sensor networks(WSNs) are widely used for intrusion detection and ecology, environment, atmosphere, industry, traffic, fire monitoring. In this paper, an energy efficient clustering algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm forms clusters uniformly by selecting cluster head that optimally located based on receiving power. Besides, proposed algorithm can induce uniform energy consumption regardless of location of nodes by multi-hop transmission and MST formation with limited maximum depth. Through the above, proposed algorithm elongates network life time, reduces energy consumption of nodes and induces fair energy consumption compared to conventional LEACH and HEED. The results of simulation show that the proposed clustering algorithm elongates network life time through fair energy consumption.
WSN; Clustering; Fouting;
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  • Reference
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