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A Study on the Typology of Social Insurance Policy Instruments in Korea  

Noh, Shi-Pyung (Department of public human resources, Seokyeong University)
This study tries to find the policy instruments that have used in the process of social insurance policy implementation. The results can be summarized as follows: First, in case of compulsory policy instrument, the government uses the regulation, public enterprise and government insurance in the process of implementing of all the social insurance policy. Second, in the case of mixed policy instrument, the government use the user' contribution in the process of implementing of all the social insurance policy but the subsidy was used in the process of implementing of the medical, pension, unemployment and long-term care insurance for the aged policy. Also, the information and discipline was used in the process of implementing of unemployment insurance policy and the partnership was used in the process of implementing of long-term care insurance for the aged policy. Third, in case of voluntary policy instrument, the government uses the family and community in the process of implementing of almost the whole social insurance policy.
social insurance policy; compulsory policy instrument; mixed policy instrument; voluntary policy instrument;
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  • Reference
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