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Design and Implementation of Location Information System and User Mapping System using DSDV Routing Algorithm in Ad-hoc Network Environment  

Kwak, Jong Wook (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Yeungnam University)
In this paper, we design and implement location information system and user mapping system using DSDV(Destination Sequenced Distance Vector) routing algorithm in ad-hoc network environment to efficient manage a number of mobile devices. The software part in proposed system construct ad-hoc network using DSDV routing algorithm and it activate alarm system, such as vibration, when one of devices disappears in the network. The hardware system, called u_LIN (User Location Information Node) construct ad-hoc network and it helps to find a disappeared device by using warning system. When we evaluate the performance of our prototype system, we have checked a correct operation, within the range of 250m in case of 1:1 communication and within the range of 100m in case of 1:N communication. The implemented system in this paper is highly expected to flexibly use in juvenile protection system, stray-child protection system, tourist guide system and so on.
ad-hoc network; DSDV routing algorithm; location information system; user mapping system; android application;
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  • Reference
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