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Development of a Music Score Editor based on MusicXML  

Khan, Najeeb Ullah (School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan)
Lee, Jung-Chul (School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan)
In the past composers used to make music with classical instruments such as piano, violin, guitar, flute, drums, and other well-known tools. With the advent of digital technology many software programs were developed which allow musicians to compose tunes using personal computers. Many file formats were introduced such as NIFF, SMDL and MIDI but none besides MIDI has been successful. Recently MusicXML has emerged as a de-facto standard for the computer representation of music. This paper presents a brief description of the structure of the MusicXML format and describes the development of a music score editor based on MusicXML. We implemented a MusicXML-based score editing software using C# language and a feasibility test showed the efficiency of our proposed method.
MusicXML; Score Editor; Music Notation;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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