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Implementation of Nondeterministic Compiler Using Monad  

Byun, Sugwoo (School of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungsung University)
We discuss the implementation of a compiler for an imperative programming language, using monad in Haskell. This compiler involves a recursive-descent parser conducting nondeterministic parsing, in which backtracking occurs to try with other rules when the application of a production rule fails to parse an input string. Haskell has some strong facilities for parsing. Its algebraic types represent abstract syntax trees in a smooth way, and program codes by monad parsing are so concise that they are highly readable and code size is reduced significantly, comparing with other languages. We also deal with the runtime environment of the assembler and code generation whose target is the Stack-Assembly language based on a stack machine.
Haskell; Monad; Parser Monad; nondeterministic Parsing; Stack Machine;
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  • Reference
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