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PCIA Cloud Service Modeling and Performance Analysis of Physical & Logical Resource Provisioning  

Yin, Binfeng (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yeungnam University)
Kwak, Jong Wook (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Yeungnam University)
Cloud computing provides flexible and efficient mass data analysis platform. In this paper, we define a new resource provisioning architecture in the public cloud, named PCIA. In addition, we provide a service model of PCIA and its new naming scheme. Our model selects the proper number of physical or virtual resources based on the requirements of clients. By the analysis of performance variation in the PCIA, we evaluate the relationship between performance variation and resource provisioning, and we present key standards for cloud system constructions, which can be an important resource provisioning criteria for both cloud service providers and clients.
cloud system; virtualization; PCIA; resources provisioning; performance analysis;
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