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eFlowC: A Packet Processing Language for Network Management  

Ko, Bang-Won (Dept. of Computer Science, Soongsil University)
Yoo, Jae-Woo (Dept. of Computer Science, Soongsil University)
In this paper, we propose a high-level programming language for packet processing called eFlowC and it supporting programming development environment. Based on the C language which is already familiar and easy to use to program developers, eFlowC maintains the similar syntax and semantics of C. Some features that are unnecessary for the packet processing has been removed from C, eFlowC is highly focused on performing packet data, database, string byte information checking and event processing. Design high-level programming languages and apply an existing language or compiler technology, language function and compilation process that is required for packet processing will be described. In order to use the DPIC device such as X11, we designed a virtual machine eFVM that takes into account the scalability and portability. We have evaluated the utility of the proposed language by experimenting a variety of real application programs with our programming environment such as compiler, simulator and debugger for eFVM. As there is little research that devoted to define the formats, meanings and functions of the packet processing language, this research is significant and expected to be a basis for the packet processing language.
Packet processing language; Compiler; DPIC; Virtual machine;
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